Jarrad Benson Fulfills Promise in Aid of Charity after Scoring 1st Goal for YSB in 5 Years

Jarrad Pre Hair Cut (400 x 400)2014 Presentation Night Jarred Benson

Nearly £1,700 pounds raised so far !!!!

Statement by Jarrad Benson, aged 15.  Plays representative football for York Schoolboys U15s and attends Canon Lee School

I’d never scored in five years of representative football playing for York Schoolboys….until this year when I got the winner against Hull.

I’d always said to the coaches that I’d get my hair cut if I were to score…..and NOW my time has come.

On Friday May 9th, at the presentation evening, I will receive my schoolboy tie for representing my city for every year I have been at school. During this night I will get my rather large barnet cut!

I’d like to raise some money for The British Lung Foundation. Sadly this month my Granma, who I was very close to, passed away of a lung condition – she was very fit and didn’t smoke. She always told me to get my hair cut!

I’ve set up a justgiving page at:  http://www.justgiving.com/jazzafro



A worthy and deserving cause, so come on guys !  help Jazza raise some money, bets taken on the style you choose, my monies on a Mohican ~!!!!!!


P.S We’ll need a photo of the new look.