U13s York 2-2 Barnsley

The second league game of the season saw York u13 host Barnsley u13 in perfect conditions at the York university.

The game started well for the home side, going straight on the front foot creating the early chances through Will Hollings in the centre of midfield. The city boys were out working their South Yorkshire opponents in every department, this showed in the amount of possession they were having and Lewis Humphreys and Elliott Heath causing problems at the heart of the Barnsley defence.

Fifteen minutes gone and the home team get a corner taken by Harry Tinker, Barnsley failed to clear the ball from their area, the ball coming back into the six-yard box where Hollings rose above everyone to head the ball into the net 1-0.

The goal seemed to wake Barnsley who now started to play with more determination bringing the city boys defence of Tingle and Hudson into the game, who up to this point had coped with everything the away team had sent their way.

Jackson Cowl was having his best game in the schoolboys’ colours playing in a holding midfield position. Yorks keeper Todd Edgar cutting out two crosses at full stretch, but it was York who were the dominant force making chances with Elliott Rayner and Taylor Bell down both wings.

It was from one of these attacks that York got another corner that again Barnsley failed to clear, the ball bouncing from head to head but Will Hollings again showing more determination than the away teams defence and headed his second of the game from inside the six yard box again, with only minutes left in the half and York in control of the game Taylor Bell went in for a challenge in the air, fell awkwardly on his back and had to be replaced by Oliver Kilvington on the wing the game over for Bell.

Second half started with the away team determined to try and get something out of the game and seemed to have come back re-energised but still the game was going the same way with the home team on the front foot and the away team playing on the break.

It was from one of these breaks that York conceded a corner that brought about Barnsleys first goal a carbon copy of the home teams two goals, the ball having not been cleared from the area, eventually dropping on to an away team players head and Barnsley had a foot hold in the game.2-1.
Things went from bad to worse for the home side when Dan Tingle was carried off five minutes later from a crunching tackle that would also end his game.

York regrouped with Pearson and Roughley pushed into the heart of the defence alongside George Turbine. The city boys front pairing of Thornton and Humphreys were working tirelessly to give their team a bigger lead and just as it seemed the home side were going to weather the storm Barnsley broke down the right and put in a speculative cross from half way inside the York half that had everyone beaten by the flight of the ball including the York keeper Warren who could only watch as the ball nestled in the top corner leaving him no chance.
The game finished with York desperately trying to claw back the lead but to no avail.2-2