U13s York 5-2 Hull

York & District Schoolboys were finally back in action this Saturday after what felt like an eternity since their last competitive fixture before Christmas. A mix of bad weather, COVID and fixture changes meant that this was the first league game for York since the defeat to Bradford in December. It was a very welcome win for York, but they had to work hard to acquire the 3 points as Hull pushed the home team for the full 70mins.

There were times during the game where the York goal led a charmed life as Hull missed a number of gilt-edge chances, but it was York who made their chances count in a very entertaining encounter. The rain held off as the game started at a fast pace as both teams probed for openings, but defences were holding strong. Josh Light’s pace was causing Hull problems, but their big defender was equal to the task in the opening salvos. York were relying on fast breaks to create attacking momentum as Hull had them pinned in for much of the opening 10-15mins. Edward Shakeshaft and Ewan Daly on the flanks with Light upfront were mostly playing on the counter. York needed to get higher up the pitch and take the game to Hull. Oliver Wood was called into action in goal to keep Hull at bay, quick off his line on a number of occasions and a safe pair of hands to give stability to the defence.  Daniel Kennedy was back at full back after recovery from injury and Lucas Matthews on the left was as solid as ever with good tackling and ball distribution. The centre back combinations of Joe Turbine. Charlie Goodwin and Harley Waddington were holding their shape well, but Hull were still getting through at times and it felt like they would capitalise on one of their chances.

Daly was withdrawn due to feeling unwell and shifting Light to the right and playing Olaf Gorczyczweski centrally paid off as the York’s attack began to make some inroads with the pace of Shakeshaft and Light out wide. A great save from the Hull keeper from a Gorczycweski shot kept the scores level, but then Light pressed the Hull defender to win the ball and race through on goal, calmly rounding the keeper before slotting the opening goal. York started to settle into the game with Miles Merer, Harry Clarkson and Ewan Waddington getting a foothold in midfield. 1-0 at half time in an even contest.

York started the second half really well, with Gorczyczweski bringing a good save from the Hull keeper with a free kick, but then his persistence paid off to capitalise on uncertainty at the back to score York’s second. Hull however were still very dangerous and should have had one back when rounding Wood in goals only to shoot wide. It was a real let-off for York, but it wouldn’t be long before Hull’s pressure saw them score 2 quick goals to level the scores.

York’s heads could’ve dropped but to their credit their regained the lead quickly when a turn and shot from Light on the edge of the box flew into the bottom corner. With Hull pushing for another equaliser Wood was called into action with a superb save to keep York’s noses in front. Space was beginning to open up in midfield where Finn Davis had arguably his best game for York. His close control, movement and link-up play behind the forwards began to cause real problems and Davis capped his fine display with 2 wonderful goals with his trusted left foot.  Daly returned for the final minutes and set up Gorczyczweski who’s shot smashed against the crossbar. A superb second half performance from York resulted in a 5 – 2 victory and a welcome 3 points in the league campaign. One league game remains before attention turns to the Yorkshire Cup and this result will have done York’s confidence the world of good.

Scorers: Light x 2, Davis x 2, Gorczyczweski